Vaisala Xweather Energy

Vaisala Energy Support

Is the wind data different for Bolivia?

Yes. As part of our contract with International Finance Corporation, we show an expanded set of information for the country of Bolivia. Although the data and modeling technique are similar to the rest of FirstLook, we show additional information via an expanded display.

This expanded display shows a combination of annual average values as well as monthly values for a number of quantities that we have calculated based upon our wind dataset. We show the annual average wind speed, power density, and power capacity. We also show a table of monthly wind speed, air temperature, air density, and power density.

Within Bolivia, we interpolate the derived data shown in the display between the nearest grid points. An alternative approach is to interpolate the entire time-series of wind values and then use the resulting time-series to estimate the derived data such as power density and power capacity. The first method is fast; the second method might be slightly more accurate. The first method is used for the derived values reported on the website to provide rapid results while browsing. The second method is used for the FirstLook reports. Differences between the two methods are typically small (one percent or less), and the largest differences occur in areas with sharp wind speed gradients.

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